Transitional Housing is a program that serves homeless families with children for up to 2 years. It provides a holistic approach to helping a family become self-sufficient. If chosen they move into an apartment or house depending on family size, need, and availability. They pay their own utilities and their rent is based on their income. While in the program they are assigned a case manager that assists them in finding and keeping employment, enrolling in higher education, developing a budget, addressing parenting needs and setting future housing goals. Any family that doesn’t have a GED is required to attend adult basic education classes. All school-aged children must attend school. Families are referred to any other community services that they need that we are unable to provide.
Transitional Housing Requirement Handout
Angela, a single mother of one child, entered our Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Families with Children. Angela had spent most of her adult life in the prison system. She has had to overcome many obstacles in her life and was ready to make a change in her life and for her daughter. While in Transitional Housing she worked towards completing Cosmetology school. Angela has a personality that radiates out to people and she has picked the perfect profession as people love to talk to her. Her case manager assisted Angela in applying for Early Head Start. She was assigned a home visitor that helped her with her family goals. During home visits her worker would provide information and activities to promote the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional growth of her daughter. Angela’s transportation situation greatly improved when she received a used car from Christ Community United Methodist Church, who is a volunteer sponsor for the Transitional Housing program. Besides donating a car to Angela they also served as a good support system for her while she was in the program. She wants to pay it forward someday by donating the car to someone in need when she is able to purchase a newer car on her own. Angela has graduated from Cosmetology school, is working full time in a local salon, and living in permanent housing. We are very proud of Angela’s accomplishments, despite huge barriers in her life she has come out on top.
Determination![](/images/img_library/Transitional housing picture 2.jpg)
Staci and her four children found themselves homeless after leaving an abusive relationship. Staci sought assistance from Economic Security Corporation where she learned about the Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Families with Children. She interviewed for and was accepted into the program in October of 2012.
Staci came into our program employed by the Missouri Eye Institute; she started there in May of 2012. She became interested in working at the eye institute after losing vision in one of her eyes to a tumor. Two years later The Missouri Eye Institute downsized and Staci lost her job, she was devastated. While drawing unemployment she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. She was accepted into the nursing program at North Eastern Oklahoma A & M University. Staci drove back and forth to school each day while continuing to live in Joplin. Staci had another setback when she lost her unemployment. Refusing to go on TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) she began advertising to clean homes as a way to earn a living. Staci has never received any child support from her childrens’ father; she has taken care of them herself. She and her children are very close and are a great example of a united family.
Staci graduated from the Transitional Housing Program in October 2014 and is living in permanent housing. She continues to work, attend school, and raise her children. She was recently elected to Economic Security Corporation’s Board of Directors representing low income people in Jasper County. Staci is extremely proud of this accomplishment and is happy to give back to her community. Staci continues to work towards achieving her dreams.